Cerita Timun Mas Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya

Di negara ini ada banyak cerita dongeng yang biasa di ceritakan oleh orang tua pada anak. Dongeng yang diceritakan turun-temurun yang tidak tidak pasti kebenarannya, walaupun tidak pasti kebenarannya dongeng ini menyampaikan hikmah atau pelajaran tertentu. Salah satu dongeng yang cukup terkenal adalah Cerita Dongen Timun Mas. Bagi sobat yang menginginkan cerita timun mas dalam bahasa inggris, mungkin untuk sekedar membaca atau untuk tugas sekolah. Pada tulisan kali ini saya akan berbagia ringkasan Dongeng Timun Mas Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahan-nya.

Cerita Dongeng Timun Mas Dalam Bahasa Inggris
One Upon a time, There were a couple of farmers who really wanted to get a child. They lived in a village near the forest. Every day they prayed to the God  to get a child Soon. One day a giant passes and heard their prayer. Giant then gave them with seeds cucumber, if they seeds The seed, they would soon get a female child. But there was a condition, at the age of 17 years the child must be submitted to him. Without thinking long they agree, because it wanted a child. Fruit cucumber that the planted become larger and heavier. When the fruit is ripe, they take it, carefully slit the fruit. Tn the fruit is found a very beautiful baby. They was very happy, they named her Timun Mas.

Year after year passed, Timun Mas grew into a beautiful girl. Both parents are very proud of her. But they became very afraid, because in the anniversary Timun Mas at 17, the giant will back. They didn’t want giving back Timun Mas to the Giant, because they loved her very much. The time when Timun Mas was 17 years had come, before the giant came they asked Timun Mas to leave their home. They told what had happened and Timun Mad did it. They gave a cloth bag that contained something that will help her to fight the giant. Co the sad departure Timun Mas. But they are not willing if their child become food giant.

Giant was very angry knowing Timun Mas Had gone. He knew that couple of farmers lied. And he also destroyed the huts of the farmers. Then it was to pursue Timun Mas to forest. Giant run chase immediately Timun Mas. Near the giant ,Timun Mas immediately take the handful of salt from the cloth pouch. Then salt spread it to the giant. Suddenly a wide sea also unfold. Giant forced to swim with great difficulty.

Timun Mas ran again. But then most successful giant came closer. He took the handful chili. Chili through to the giant. At once the tree branches and sharp thorns. Giant cried in pain. Timun Mas while running to save herself. But the giant is really strong. He captured Timun Mas again. She sow seeds Magic Cucumber. At once grow the cucumber garden very knowledgeable. Giant very tired and hungry. He also eat the fresh cucumber with oneself. Because of too much eating, giant was slept.


She ran for dear life again. But long run power out. More unlucky again because a giant awakened from sleep. Again, Giant almost catch her. Timun Mas very terrified. He also threw the last tool handful shrimp paste. Miracles happen. A lake of mud spread wide. Giant fall into it. Hands almost reach Timun Mas. But the lake mud is basic to withdraw it. Giant panic, he cannot breathed, then submerged and died.

Timun Mas relieved and survived, She returned back her home, then she lived with her parent happily.

Terjemahan singkat dari cerita Timun Mas zaman dahulu kala hidup sepasang suami istri yang tidak memiliki anak, yang diberi bibit timun yang nantinya buah timun itu akan berubah menjadi anak perempuan, dengan persyaratan setelah berusia 17 tahun harus dikembalikan. Apa yang dikatakan raksasa menjadi kenyataan, mereka mendapat seorang anak perempuan yang diberi nama Timun Mas. Ketika timun mas berusia 17 tahun raksasa datang untuk memintanya kembali. Pasangan suami istri tidak mau karena mereka telah terlanjur mencitai Timun Mas. Dengan terpaksa mereka menyuruh timun mas untuk pergi dari rumah agar tidak ditemukan oleh raksasa, mereka memberi timun mas beberapa benda untuk membantu melawan raksasa. Dengan benda-benda yaitu garam, cabe, biji timun,dan terasi, dia melawan raksasa. Benda-benda tersebut menjadi banyak dan besar. Akhirnya raksasa dapat dikalahkan oleh timun mas karena dia tenggelam dan mati dalam danau lumpur dari terasi. Akhirnya Timun Mas selamat dan hidup bahagia dengan kedua orang tuanya.

Hikmah dari cerita ini, adalah kasih sayang dari orang tua pada anaknya tanpa mempedulikan dari mana anak tersebut berasal. Jika bersung-sungguh melawan kejahatan akan akan berhasil mengalahkannya, dan bagi yang bermniat jahat akan mendapatkan balasan yang setimpal.

Yuup,,Demikianlah cerita timun mas dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahan singkatnya, semoga bermanfaat.

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