Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Hotel : Tamu, Receptionist, dan Bellboy

Apakah kalian pernah menginap di hotel dan bingung dengan percakapan bahasaInggris di hotel? Nah, kalian tidak perlu bingung lagi karena kami dibawah ini kami sajikan contoh dialog ketika sedang berada di hotel. Dibawah ini adalah percakapan antara resepsionis dan tamu yang merupakan sesuatu yang sering terjadi di hotel.

Percakapan di bawah ini adalah mengenai Pak Hadi dan istrinyayang sedang mencari hotel untuk tempat menginap mereka. Akhirnya, mereka memutuskan untuk menginap di hotel Permai hingga tiga hari karena ada penawaran kamar dengan tariff murah. Mereka akhirnya memilih kamar mewah denga fasilitas lengkap antraa lain televise plasma, telepon, internet dan lain-lain.

Mr. Hadi    : Good morning
Receptionist    : Good morning, sir. Welcome to Permai Hotel. May I help you?
Mr. Hadi    : I and my wife would like to reserve a room. is there any empty room for us?
Receptionist     : give me a second. I will check it out.  Um.. we have some empty rooms. We have deluxe and standard room available for you and your wife. Which one is your choice, sir?
Mr. Hadi    : dear, which one do you like to be our room? deluxe or standard one?
Mrs. Hadi    : what about the deluxe one?
Mr. Hadi    : excuse me, how much should I pay for a deluxe room?
Receptionist     : the price for deluxe room is Rp 200.000 per night and Rp 80.000 per night for standard room.
Mr. Hadi    : okay! I think my choice goes to deluxe room
Receptionis    : how long will you stay, sir?
Mr. Hadi    : maybe for three days.
Receptionis    : alright. The deluxe room will still be available for the next three days. Please fill in the reservation form, sir.
Mr. Hadi    : alright. Here you are.
Receptionis   : thank you. how will you pay for the room, sir?
Mr. Hadi    : I’ll pay for it by cash.
Receptionis    : could I have the room payment now, sir? The total is Rp 600.000
Mr. Hadi    : sure. here you are
Receptionis     : well, Mr. Hadi. Your room is in number 158. Here is the key. Our bellboy will escort you to the room. thank you and enjoy stay with us!
Mr. Hadi    : sure. you’re welcome
Bellboy        : let me bring your belongings to the room, sir
Mr. Hadi    : alright. Thank you.
Bellboy        : here’s your room sir, maam. Would you like me to describe facilities in your room?
Mrs. Hadi    : of course. Please
Bellboy          : well, you have a plasma television here. you can also use the fridge here. this room is also featured with Air Conditioner and Wi-Fi connection. There’s also big window to let you see the ocean view right there. That’s all, if you have any questions you can call us by phone.
Mrs. Hadi    : okay. Thank you very much.
Bellboy        : you’re welcome and have a lovely stay.

Nah, kalian sudah tahu kan maksud dari percakapan bahasa Inggris di hotel dari percakapan diatas kan, sekarang kalian bisa berlatih dengan teman kalian di rumah! Baca juga Percakapan bahasa inggris 4 orang

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