Idiom Bahasa Inggris : Lesson 1 + Arti

Belajar bahasa Inggris tidak akan terlepas dari yang namanya idiom. Nah kali ini Belajar Bahasa Inggris mencoba menghadirkan beberapa idiom yang terangkum dalam Idiom Bahasa Inggris Lesson 1. Tidak hanya menampilkan daftar idiom saja, spesial di sini kami tampilkan juga contoh dialog percakapan yang menggunakan idiom tersebut serta arti dan contohnya.

Di bawah ini terdapat 2 dialog percakapan yang mengandung 12 idiom yang umum digunakan dalam percapakan sehari-hari. Semoga bisa bermanfaat ya sobat. Check this out!!!

Daftar Idiom Bahasa Inggris Lesson 1

Berikut di bawah ini adalah 10 daftar idom bahasa Inggris lesson beserta artinya:

No Idiom Arti
01 Easier Said Than Done Tidak semudah yang dikatakan
02 What's the matter? Apa yang terjadi?
03 Give up Menyerah
04 By heart Hapal di luar kepala
05 Make fun of Menertawakan
06 Brush up on Mempelajari kembali
07 Like Father, Like Son Ayah dan anak sama saja
08 Take after Mirip/ menyerupai
09 At all Sama sekali
10 Take it easy Santai saja, gampang/ dibuat mudah
11 Go to pieces Kehilangan Kendali
12 Take turns Bergiliran/ bergantian


Dari 12 idom bahasa Inggris di atas, kami masukan ke dalam dua dialog percakapan di bawah ini beserta catatan kecil mengenai perubahan idiom dalam pengunaan sehari-hari.

Dialogue 1 : Easier Said Than Done

Tom : What's the matter? You look upset.
Marco : I give up! I'll never learn the past tense of these verbs.
Tom : That's easy. Just add -ed to make the past tense.
Marco : I mean the irregular verbs. You have to learn them by heart. The past of go is went. It's crazy!
Tom : Why don't you sleep with the grammar book under your pillow? Maybe that will help.
Marco : Don't make fun of me! This is serious. We're going to have a test next week.
Tom : I'm sorry. I'll help you brush up on those verbs.

Berikut beberapa contoh kalimat yang menyangkut idom bahasa inggris yang digaris bawah di atas:

What's the matter?
- What's the matter with Helen last night? She was very quite.
- What's the matter with William? He looks very sad

Give up
- My brother gives up smoking last year.
- He tries very hard to learn English. He doesn't give up.
- Why do you give up running? It was very good for you.

By heart
- I have read that poem so many times that I know it by heart.
- An actor must learn his role by heart.

Make fun of
- I thought my new hat was beautiful, but my husband makes fun of it.
- Why did you make of fun of Bill's southern accent? That wasn't very nice of you.
- Robert makes fun of modern art because he doesn't uderstand it.

Brush up on
- He usually brushes up on grammar on the weekends because he doesn't have much time during the week.
- Would you help me brush up on idioms next week?
- I brushed up on my Spanish while I was in Mexico.

Idiom 'give up' sering diikuti oleh gerund (verb + ing)
- If you want to lose weight, you'll have to give up eating candy.

Belajar bahasa Inggris tidak akan terlepas dari yang namanya idiom Idiom Bahasa Inggris : Lesson 1 + Arti

Dialogue 2 : Like Father, Like Son

George : What a wonderful baby! And he certainly takes after me, doesn't he?
Kate : Oh, yes. He doesn't look like me at all. He has your eyes, you chin, you ...
George : Uh-oh! He's going to cry again!
Kate : Take it easy, George. He's only yawning. Besides, you can't go to pieces every time the baby cries. Your mother told me you only stopped crying to eat.
George : You're right. I shouldn't be so nervous. We'll have to take turns watching him when you go back to work.
Kate : Now he really is crying.
Geroge : I guess he has my personality, too.

Berikut beberapa contoh kalimat yang menyangkut idom bahasa inggris yang digaris bawah di atas:

Take after
- She takes after her mother in both appearance and personality.
- Paul doesn't take after anyone in the family.
- When he was young, he takes after his mother, but now he looks more like his father.

At all
- Carl doesn't play the guitar at all anymore.
- They don't eat meat at all. They are vegetarians.

Take it easy
- We had a wonderful vacation. really take it easy.
- He doesn't work very hard. He usually takes it easy.

Go to pieces
- When Barbara heard the news, she goes to pieces.
- He goes to pieces every time someone in the family is sick.
- Ann doesn't go to pieces when she lost her job. She was very calm.

Take turns
- It was an easy trip. My brother and I took turns driving.
- Betty always take turns cleaning the house with her sister.
- We will take turns cooking dinner next week.

Idiom 'at all' biasanya digunakan untuk menekankan kalimat negatif dan pertanyaan.
Contoh :
- I couldn't eat at all when I was sick.
- Didn't you eat anything at all?

Sedangkan idom 'take turns' biasanya diikuti oleh gerund (verb + ing)
Contoh :
- My mother and aunt take turn making our Thanksgiving dinners.

Semoga artikel tersebut di atas tentang Idiom Bahasa Inggris Lesson 1 tersebut bisa berguna bagi sobat yang membutuhkan. Pelajari juga idiom bahasa Inggris di lesson-lesson yang lainya. Dan apa bila dari artikel tersebut di atas terdapat kesalahan baik berupa penulisan maupun penjelasan, mohon kiranya kritik dan saran yang membangun untuk kemajuan bersama. Terima kasih ^^

Lihat juga Kumpulan Idiom Bahasa Inggris Pilihan yang lain di sini.

1. Idiom in American Life (Julie Howard)
2. Dictionary of American Idioms (McGraw-Hill's)

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